Health Angels Foundation



Health Angels Foundation is governed by an independent Board of Directors.

The Foundation is managed by a management team who are assisted by teams who run projects and/or causes. The business units although all under the control of the foundation are run independently.

The foundation has close alliances with Professional Medical units as well as Research partnerships. The Foundation has a broad scope of work however we do not lose sight of our commitment to the individual health needs of each and every individual.

 Your Donation Will Make a Difference.

We are asking for Donations for our various Projects and Causes so that we may make a significant difference in the Communities where we serve.

Your Donation will go a long way to making that difference and our appeal to you is that you give what you are able to so that we may reach those in desperate need.

Your act of Giving will be felt by many yet shared with many more.

We thank you for sharing our plight and praise you for any contribution.


Health Foundation projects are vetted by the board before publishing on our site. We strive to improve the community with whatever tools and or means are available .Health Angels Foundation scrutinises and vets projects which may be deemed to be of benefit to the community at large. Projects of interest may include but are not limited to, Health, Environment, Education, Innovation and Charity.

We invite partners to fund or co-fund our Projects in their area of interest.


Causes are aimed at specifically health related needs by either an individual and or Organisation which provides health related services. 

The Selected organisations may provide healthcare on many levels to individuals who require permanent special healthcare assistance & treatment.

Some of these organisations whom we are currently supporting lodge the most fragile children and adults who are in desperate need of our help.

Help us make a difference. “Your donation will touch a heart”


BankStandard Bank
Account NameHealthCoZa (PTY) LTD
Account Number1010 926 9207
Swift CodeSBZA ZA JJ
Donations towards our foundation which will be allocated using our own discretion towards a listed cause or project
Author: add value to an individuals life by bringing People, Healthcare Practitioners and Healthcare Companies as one thriving community