Indoor Gym Bike Guide


There are so many different ways to cycle in the gym, with each machine being different it is hard to know which one is better for what. The three main bikes in a gym are the spinning bike, upright bike and recumbent bike. Let’s look at each bike, see what they look like and when you may want to use a specific one of them.

Spinning bikes are a great way to push yourself hard and fast while staying stable. Usually people try to get their heart rate up and alternate between standing and sitting. Simulates a real world cycling experience, angle and muscle groups. You use a knob in the front to change the resistance applied while you spin which is easy to change. Since there is no measure of how much resistance is being applied you will never be able to use the exact same resistance each cycle, which is not a bad thing.

The Upright bike works the same muscle groups as a normal bicycle and gives you the ability to manually set your resistance digitally and accurately while being able to monitor your speed. Like the spinning bike, it will put extra pressure on your back but the seat is much more comfortable. Many even monitor your heart rate and have preset routines that will change the resistance for you.

The Recumbent bike is quite different to the previous two. With this bike you sit with a backrest and your legs in front instead of underneath your body like a normal bicycle. Having the handle bar above your hips takes all the pressure off your back, making it less strain on the body. With all the electronic perks like the Upright bike, this is a strongly recommended option for daily cardioers, people with back or leg problems, overweight or high risk users.

You should always try to alternate between methods of cardio.. use different machines, swim, hike, jog, run, walk or other methods. A strong variation will assure you stay strong and fit in all angles, situations and exercise types. Remember to always warm up before.

While the Recumbent Bike is recommended for high risk and daily use, you are recommended to consult a professional before taking on any form of exercise so you know which exercises are a risk to your specific case and what heart rate should be your target.
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