

Mood Food

Depression is a mood disorder with a diagnosis that isn’t always as clear-cut as one would hope. Depression is usually described as sadness, hopelessness,...

How to stay strong in times of uncertainty and change

Are you going through a time of uncertainty and change? Whatever you may be going through, during times of uncertainty and change the overwhelm of...

Vitamin D – Why we Love the Sun

By Dr. Jatin Joshi, Founder of OneSecond Supplements Vitamin D, ‘the sunshine vitamin’, has certainly gained a lot of attention in the media recently, being...


School phobia, school avoidance and school refusal are terms that describe an anxiety disorder in children who have an irrational, persistent fear of going...

Hypertension in South Africa among the masses

In 2018, scientists from Wits University revealed that approximately 54% of South Africans have hypertension, and this is the highest percentage recorded in Southern...

Weight loss

Low Calorie Oats – a Healthy Breakfast for the whole family

Low Calorie Oats is usually something people tend to get sick of. Try this recipe and change which fruits you use. This Recipe is...

13 Push up variations you can do at home

Push ups are quite tough to get into and quite easy to get bored with but if it is all you got to work...

Fitness & Exercise

Is Gym the only answer?

While gym is a usually seen as the only way to gain physical strength and doing cardiovascular exercise it can be a roadblock for...

Natural Fat Burners

To lose weight, a person needs to burn more calories than they take in. Some natural fat burners, however, may help the body burn...


Balance Stress Naturally - Webinar

Balance Stress Naturally

Platinum artist, singer and song writer, Nianell will be a featured guest speaker on The Longevity Channel's webinar, 'Balance Stress Naturally' on 8 August...

Live and Learn from fools and from Sage’s

I have always found the saying, live and learn from Fools and from Sages profound. I first heard it in the lyrics of one...

Beauty, Hair, Nails & Skin

The effects of not washing your makeup off at night

We’ve all been there - You arrive home exhausted, possibly plonk down on the couch and try to recuperate from the day’s efforts, wolf...

Simple Self-Care Ideas to Lift your Spirits

Are you feeling low on energy or a little down? Well, a bit of self-care could be just what you need. Self-care is about taking...
Do you have a well balanced Lifestyle?

To absorb more iron from spinach which vitamin rich foods should you eat with your spinach?

Mental Health

Symptoms of stress

Stress may cause a number of different symptoms. These symptoms may be broken down into two main categories, namely Physical and Mental. They affect...
Teachers helping children with ADHD

10 Tips for teachers helping children with ADHD

The National Institute of Mental Health places the number of children with ADHD at between 3% and 5% of the population. That would mean,...


Mood Food

Depression is a mood disorder with a diagnosis that isn’t always as clear-cut as one would hope. Depression is usually described as sadness, hopelessness,...

Green Tea

Going green is perhaps one of the wisest moves that you can make. It is packed with antioxidants that help boost the immune system...

Aging Well

Make today your goal

When people take on a long term task, specifically when connected to self improvement or health, we tend to be quite hard on ourselves....

Breaking Down Rheumatoid Arthritis

While we may associate rheumatoid arthritis with old age, you may be surprised to learn that this is actually an autoimmune disorder and can...

Pragnancy & Baby

Does sex induce labour?

Sex. It’s what got you into pregnancy, but is it also the pathway to getting you out? Around a quarter of all Australian pregnancies are...

Myth: women forget the pain of childbirth

In an evolutionary sense, memory of pain serves an important purpose. Pain indicates a threat to our safety or our life, and human survival...


Maca to the rescue

The maca plant,is known scientifically as Lepidium Meyenii. It mainly grows in the rich soils of the Andes mountains ranges in central Peru. It...

Breaking Down Rheumatoid Arthritis

While we may associate rheumatoid arthritis with old age, you may be surprised to learn that this is actually an autoimmune disorder and can...


Health Angels Foundation

HELP OUR FOUNDATION HELP MANY MORE Health Angels Foundation is governed by an independent Board of Directors. The...

Little Eden

We believe that no matter how profoundly disabled a person may be, he or she...

Waste Angels Cleaning the Community

It’s the  early hours of the morning and a loaded trolley of stacked with recycle material...

Teddy Bear Foundation

Working with children & families Our vision is that children will not be abused anymore, but where they...

Health Angels: Trees for life

Trees have always fascinated people. They are the biggest living things on our planet and one...