

Symptoms of stress

Stress may cause a number of different symptoms. These symptoms may be broken down into two main categories, namely Physical and Mental. They affect...

Brain workouts

The mind/brain is just like any other muscle in the body, it needs care and ongoing use and training. The more you use your...


Cystitis is the medical term for inflammation of the bladder. This unpleasant condition  usually caused by bacterial infection c and requires prompt medical attention.an...

Skipping for beginners

This is probably one of the most feared forms of cardio. Skipping is well known, outside the school yard, as punishment to the heart,...

Bone Density 101

As the years catch up to you bone density becomes something you need to keep an eye on. The more bone density you lose...

Weight loss

B is for Balance: Reaping the Benefits of Vitamin B

We’ve all heard the term, “Busy as a bee” but we’re going to use it a little differently today. The vitamin B group make...

Maca to the rescue

The maca plant,is known scientifically as Lepidium Meyenii. It mainly grows in the rich soils of the Andes mountains ranges in central Peru. It...

Fitness & Exercise

13 Push up variations you can do at home

Push ups are quite tough to get into and quite easy to get bored with but if it is all you got to work...

Is Gym the only answer?

While gym is a usually seen as the only way to gain physical strength and doing cardiovascular exercise it can be a roadblock for...


The Power of our Words

The power of our words

Do we use language or does language use us? This wise question is posed by integrative clinical psychologist Asha Dullabh. She will be featured...

Common Symptoms Of Cancer You Need To Know

Right from the start, it’s important to stress that, unfortunately, most early symptoms of cancer are also symptoms of many other, harmless, conditions. Most...

Beauty, Hair, Nails & Skin

Morning makeup routine tips

Very few among us feel excited about getting up early every morning to do our makeup. In my experience, the two reasons why...

The effects of not washing your makeup off at night

We’ve all been there - You arrive home exhausted, possibly plonk down on the couch and try to recuperate from the day’s efforts, wolf...
Do you have a well balanced Lifestyle?

To absorb more iron from spinach which vitamin rich foods should you eat with your spinach?

Mental Health

Sugar Addiction

Sugar is found in most foods and is almost impossible to avoid. Emotional or psychological dependence on sugary foods and drinks, known as ‘sugar...
Balance Stress Naturally - Webinar

Balance Stress Naturally

Platinum artist, singer and song writer, Nianell will be a featured guest speaker on The Longevity Channel's webinar, 'Balance Stress Naturally' on 8 August...


Vitamin B12 Deficiency. Are you at risk?

Suffering from Crohn’s Disease gave me first-hand experience, regarding the effects of vitamin B12 deficiency. As a doctor, I should have appreciated the importance of...


This is quite a common fruit in South Africa, which grows fast and abundantly. While it is commonly used for jams, pies and desserts...

Aging Well

Aging Like a pro

Like the old saying goes “Getting old ain’t for sissies”, it is not easy managing new challenges as they arrive with age, but there...

Heart Health: A Holistic Guide to Gauging Heart Attack Risk

The traditional approach to heart attack risk assessment has involved the evaluation of factors that are associated with increased risk of a heart event....

Pragnancy & Baby

Myth: you can control the sex of your baby

Despite most parents ultimately just wishing for a healthy baby, there are many cultural and social factors that can drive the desire for a...

Myth: peanuts in pregnancy cause allergies

Anyone else have the feeling something radical has happened with peanut allergy in the past 30 years? I don’t recall knowing anyone allergic to...


How To Get Medically Boarded for Chronic Fatigue Syndrome

We’ve spoken at length about CFS in our past few articles, and it’s easy to see why sufferers can feel frustrated, ashamed, and stigmatised...

Brain & Mental Benefits from Cardio

Usually when you think about cardio you think about your heart exploding out of your chest, which can be enough to make you queasy...


Waste Angels Cleaning the Community

It’s the  early hours of the morning and a loaded trolley of stacked with recycle material...

Little Eden

We believe that no matter how profoundly disabled a person may be, he or she...

Teddy Bear Foundation

Working with children & families Our vision is that children will not be abused anymore, but where they...

Health Angels: Trees for life

Trees have always fascinated people. They are the biggest living things on our planet and one...

Health Angels Foundation

HELP OUR FOUNDATION HELP MANY MORE Health Angels Foundation is governed by an independent Board of Directors. The...