

Bone Density 101

As the years catch up to you bone density becomes something you need to keep an eye on. The more bone density you lose...

Hair Loss In Women

Hair loss in women is just that- when a women experiences unexpected heavy loss of hair. Generally, 50-100 single hairs are shed per day. Hair shedding...

Outdoor upper workout

It is tough enough trying to work out how all the machines work in the gym, trying to work out what to do outdoors...

A parent’s guide to managing tantrums

'No, I don't wanna... wahhhh!' A parent's guide to managing tantrums Monique Robinson, University of Western Australia The first almighty toddler tantrum is a milestone in...

Wellness and the dimensions

What is Wellness? Definitions of Wellness Wellness is a measure of a person’s mental and physical health, characterized as a person’s overall health and well-being. Wellness is an active process of...

Weight loss

How Does the Body Use Vitamin A?

Were you told by your parents to eat your carrots so that you can see in the dark?  Well, you’d be happy to know...

Ginger Super food

Ginger is root plant with powerful anti-inflammatory properties. The top health benefits of ginger include its ability to help with arthritis and osteoarthritis, relieve nausea and pain,...

Fitness & Exercise

Skipping for beginners

This is probably one of the most feared forms of cardio. Skipping is well known, outside the school yard, as punishment to the heart,...

Simple Self-Care Ideas to Lift your Spirits

Are you feeling low on energy or a little down? Well, a bit of self-care could be just what you need. Self-care is about taking...


The Power of our Words

The power of our words

Do we use language or does language use us? This wise question is posed by integrative clinical psychologist Asha Dullabh. She will be featured...

IBS and IBD – Do You Really Have All The Facts?

“It’s probably the roadside kebab that I indulged in at 2 am on Friday”, you tell yourself. “Or maybe the curry that we had...

Beauty, Hair, Nails & Skin


Moringa is one of our favourite plants. The Moringa tree is unique as it has provided balanced diets and healing properties for thousands of...

How To Keep your Nails Healthy

Your nails are generally a good reflection of your health.Your finger and toenails should be strong and healthy in appearance, free of ridges, dents,and discolorations. Make an...
Do you have a well balanced Lifestyle?

To absorb more iron from spinach which vitamin rich foods should you eat with your spinach?

Mental Health

Yoga Workouts

Yoga Workouts is a great form of exercise that strengthens your core and cardiovascular system while calming the mind and providing a great stretch...
Teachers helping children with ADHD

10 Tips for teachers helping children with ADHD

The National Institute of Mental Health places the number of children with ADHD at between 3% and 5% of the population. That would mean,...



This is quite a common fruit in South Africa, which grows fast and abundantly. While it is commonly used for jams, pies and desserts...

Ginger Super food

Ginger is root plant with powerful anti-inflammatory properties. The top health benefits of ginger include its ability to help with arthritis and osteoarthritis, relieve nausea and pain,...

Aging Well

Make today your goal

When people take on a long term task, specifically when connected to self improvement or health, we tend to be quite hard on ourselves....


Due to out of mind out of sight mentality, many forget about foods that are not found in their area. Coconut is usually one...

Pragnancy & Baby

Does sex induce labour?

Sex. It’s what got you into pregnancy, but is it also the pathway to getting you out? Around a quarter of all Australian pregnancies are...

Can stress during pregnancy harm my baby?

Monique Robinson, University of Western Australia Most pregnant women are aware of the advice to quit smoking, avoid alcohol, and wholeheartedly fear soft cheese in...


Hypothyroidism – Are You at Risk?

Your thyroid gland is part of your endocrine system. When it works as it should, it produces and releases thyroid hormones into your bloodstream...

Self Love

Life is a crazy thing to keep up with. Let it be work, relationships, family, studying, hobbies or relaxing it is easy to forget...


Health Angels: Trees for life

Trees have always fascinated people. They are the biggest living things on our planet and one...

Health Angels Foundation

HELP OUR FOUNDATION HELP MANY MORE Health Angels Foundation is governed by an independent Board of Directors. The...

Waste Angels Cleaning the Community

It’s the  early hours of the morning and a loaded trolley of stacked with recycle material...

Little Eden

We believe that no matter how profoundly disabled a person may be, he or she...

Teddy Bear Foundation

Working with children & families Our vision is that children will not be abused anymore, but where they...