

Aging Like a pro

Like the old saying goes “Getting old ain’t for sissies”, it is not easy managing new challenges as they arrive with age, but there...

Mood Food

Depression is a mood disorder with a diagnosis that isn’t always as clear-cut as one would hope. Depression is usually described as sadness, hopelessness,...

Free Online Education for Kids

With the kids stuck at home many are in need of methods to keep the children learning and growing. We have collected a few...

A Lean & Mean Omelet that keeps you going

Most eating routines focus on breakfast being a big meal that is key to how your nutrition for the day turns out. A big...

Gut Bacteria for the win

Improve Your Gut BacteriaBacteria are hugely important for your health, however, certain types of bacteria in your intestines may contribute to many diseases. The...

Weight loss

Indoor Gym Bike Guide

There are so many different ways to cycle in the gym, with each machine being different it is hard to know which one is...

Outdoor upper workout

It is tough enough trying to work out how all the machines work in the gym, trying to work out what to do outdoors...

Fitness & Exercise

Indoor Gym Bike Guide

There are so many different ways to cycle in the gym, with each machine being different it is hard to know which one is...

5 Ways to Stay Motivated when You’re Feeling Burnt Out

Have you been pushing yourself really hard and starting to feel burnt out? How are you feeling? Tired? Exhausted? Uninspired? Unmotivated? Down? Deflated? Riddled with...


Managing Scanxiety

Scanxiety! The fear is real!!

Everyone who has experienced the very daunting cancer journey will certainly back me up on the fear of Scanxiety is real! The shock and...

B is for Balance: Reaping the Benefits of Vitamin B

We’ve all heard the term, “Busy as a bee” but we’re going to use it a little differently today. The vitamin B group make...

Beauty, Hair, Nails & Skin


Moringa is one of our favourite plants. The Moringa tree is unique as it has provided balanced diets and healing properties for thousands of...

Hair Loss In Women

Hair loss in women is just that- when a women experiences unexpected heavy loss of hair. Generally, 50-100 single hairs are shed per day. Hair shedding...
Do you have a well balanced Lifestyle?

To absorb more iron from spinach which vitamin rich foods should you eat with your spinach?

Mental Health

Free online courses & diplomas

There are many online learning resources out there, so instead of giving you a list that is too big to go through here are...

Yoga Workouts

Yoga Workouts is a great form of exercise that strengthens your core and cardiovascular system while calming the mind and providing a great stretch...


Longevity Foods

What we eat is meant for more than simply keeping us full. By selecting the right foods you can help increase your metabolism and...


Due to out of mind out of sight mentality, many forget about foods that are not found in their area. Coconut is usually one...

Aging Well


This is quite a common fruit in South Africa, which grows fast and abundantly. While it is commonly used for jams, pies and desserts...


Due to out of mind out of sight mentality, many forget about foods that are not found in their area. Coconut is usually one...

Pragnancy & Baby

Myth: you can control the sex of your baby

Despite most parents ultimately just wishing for a healthy baby, there are many cultural and social factors that can drive the desire for a...

Myth: peanuts in pregnancy cause allergies

Anyone else have the feeling something radical has happened with peanut allergy in the past 30 years? I don’t recall knowing anyone allergic to...


Make today your goal

When people take on a long term task, specifically when connected to self improvement or health, we tend to be quite hard on ourselves....

B is for Balance: Reaping the Benefits of Vitamin B

We’ve all heard the term, “Busy as a bee” but we’re going to use it a little differently today. The vitamin B group make...


Teddy Bear Foundation

Working with children & families Our vision is that children will not be abused anymore, but where they...

Waste Angels Cleaning the Community

It’s the  early hours of the morning and a loaded trolley of stacked with recycle material...

Little Eden

We believe that no matter how profoundly disabled a person may be, he or she...

Health Angels Foundation

HELP OUR FOUNDATION HELP MANY MORE Health Angels Foundation is governed by an independent Board of Directors. The...

Health Angels: Trees for life

Trees have always fascinated people. They are the biggest living things on our planet and one...