Donating Bone Marrow


The Sunflower Fund is a donor recruitment centre and registry.

We fight blood diseases like leukemia through the recruitment of stem cell donors and maintaining a registry of potential donors committed to helping anyone in need of a life-saving stem cell transplant. We fund raise to cover the cost of education and awareness. The Sunflower Fund also maintains a patient support fund to assist patients who are unable to afford associated costs, relating to transplants as well as being actively involved in support structures to assist patients, families and communities.

Together we can fight life-threatening blood diseases. Be somebody’s hope for life by registering to be a stem cell donor, donating money or volunteering.

One in 600 South African children will develop leukemia and will need treatment, which may include a bone marrow transplant.
The good news though, is that if diagnosed early, 70 to 85% of children can be cured.

About bone marrow donation
Contrary to a very popular belief that donating bone marrow is painful and invasive, its actually easy!
South Africans are mostly either scared or ignorant about bone marrow donation. Here Belinda sets out the simple procedure:

1.    Call The Sunflower Fund toll-free number on 0800 12 10 82.
2.    They’ll make sure you meet the criteria, process your application and at this point you can also make a donation (it’s not compulsory). Why do they need donations? The tissue typing test is very expensive to do, so every little bit of cash you can donate will make a big difference.
3.    You’ll then be emailed a simple form to complete (it takes 2 minutes).
4.    You then scan and email a copy of the completed form back to them, clutch the real form in your hand and head to your nearest donor centre (ie : The Colony Centre in Craighall) or call for directions to your nearest donor centre.
5.    Here they take two tiny test tubes of blood and that’s it, you’re registered.

If the rare opportunity comes along that you are a match for someone, the procedure is also relatively simple and non-invasive.  For a few days before the extraction, you’ll have a small series of injections which will stimulate your production of stem cells. These excess cells then enter your blood stream, where they are available to harvest.

You’ll then need to sit for between 4 and 6 hours (you can also break this up over 2 days) whilst your blood is filtered through a cell separator machine.  Your blood is spun inside the machine and your precious stem cells separated into a bag. For more information contact : The Sunflower Fund toll-free number on 0800 12 10 82.
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