Outdoor upper workout


It is tough enough trying to work out how all the machines work in the gym, trying to work out what to do outdoors can be scary. Here we have some exercises you can do anywhere, even on the beach.

As with any routine you must warm up first, so we will start with shoulder rolls. Do shoulder rolls for about a minute, alternating between small and larger circles with your arms. This will warm up your chest, shoulders and upper back.

Once you have done a minute of shoulder rolls, you must do another minute of reverse shoulder rolls. The coordination may take a bit of time, be easy on yourself.

Now that your shoulders are nice and warm we want to more onto specific muscle groups. Next we will do shoulders. Since shoulders are a smaller muscle group we will be doing it before chest to help warm up the area.

With a rubber band, do 12 full movements on both arms, have a 20 second breather and repeat on each arm a total of 3 times per arm.

If you do not have a rubber band/tube or would like to add this to your routine you can use a towel or rope to do static holds at different angles. Hold your arm up while keeping your back straight for as long as you can. Do this for both arms and repeat 3 times.

Your Scapula and shoulder girdle area are an important region to train and warm up. As you see in the video you are holding the pushup position, your arms should not be moving. Focus on alternating between a rounded and straight back. Do 20 movements, have a 20 second break and repeat 2 more times.

Now that you are warm we are going to do the more difficult stuff, push ups. For some push ups are easy or silly. The keep to a good push up is to go down slowly until your chest is 10 cms from the ground while breathing in, then you push up while exhaling. The downward movement should be 2 seconds long while your lifting movement should be quicker. If you find push ups to hard, hold your push up form with your knees on the ground instead of your feet. If it is too tough do as many as you can, one will become 20 in no time. Try 4 rounds of 20 push ups each round.

To work your back and the back of your shoulders you can do reverse flies which needs an elastic band or 2 rocks. Bend over forwards at the hip and make sure your back stays straight. Do 3-4 rounds with 10-15 movements in each.

Need something more advanced?

For advanced/stronger people a row press is a great exercise which will work your chest on the push up motion and your back when you lift a rock. When doing this exercise make sure to try keep your core/body centered and keep your bum up! Do 2-4 rounds where between each push up you lift each arm with the rock being pulled towards your hip.

Trying to lose weight?

If you are trying to get leaner or lose weight try doing side jumps instead of your breaks and you will increase how many calories your burn during the workout and get fitter.

This is a great basic workout that can been do outdoors with/without equipment. As with anything regarding your health you must be careful and consult with your health professional.

Author: Health.co.za

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