Nial Wheate - PhD FRACI CChem FHEA - University of Sydney

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  • Nial Wheate - PhD FRACI CChem FHEA - University of Sydney


Spot the snake oil: telling good cancer research from bad

Cancer is big news; we often hear of some kind of cure for some version of the illness. But whether it’s a “natural cure” or...

Why placebos for chemotherapy side effects are hard to swallow

It’s unthinkable to give a placebo to someone to treat their cancer, but could we use one to treat chemotherapy’s well-known side effects? Unfortunately, we...

What is pentosan polysulphate sodium (PPS)

AFL players are reportedly being treated with injections of the drug pentosan polysulphate sodium (PPS) for knee and bone pain. While PPS is approved for use in...

The medicines to pack for your overseas holiday

When travelling overseas, and in 2016 1.2 billion of us did this, we all want a comfortable and pleasurable stay. This involves packing the right clothes for...

Which medicines don’t go well with flying?

Every day, more than 10 million people take a flight somewhere in the world. While flying is relatively safe, the unique environmental conditions can put passengers at...