

How to read and understand Food Labels

How to read and understand food labels

Food labels are supposed to help you understand what is in packaged foods. To protect the consumer, there are many regulations which relate to...

Long-term Effects of vaping, is not known

E-cigarettes have caused a huge debate after health officials have linked the products to deadly lung illnesses. Over the years, the use of electronic cigarettes has been...

How to maintain a healthy skin

Your skin is your body’s largest organ. When its healthy, it's layers work hard to protect you. However, when its compromised,the skins ability to...

How To Keep your Nails Healthy

Your nails are generally a good reflection of your health.Your finger and toenails should be strong and healthy in appearance, free of ridges, dents,and discolorations. Make an...

Get your skin looking its best

Everyone has something at some point that they want to look their best for - a wedding, a dance, a graduation, a photo shoot...

Weight loss

Vitamin D – Why we Love the Sun

By Dr. Jatin Joshi, Founder of OneSecond Supplements Vitamin D, ‘the sunshine vitamin’, has certainly gained a lot of attention in the media recently, being...

Skipping for beginners

This is probably one of the most feared forms of cardio. Skipping is well known, outside the school yard, as punishment to the heart,...

Fitness & Exercise

Outdoor upper workout

It is tough enough trying to work out how all the machines work in the gym, trying to work out what to do outdoors...

Make today your goal

When people take on a long term task, specifically when connected to self improvement or health, we tend to be quite hard on ourselves....


Aging Like a pro

Like the old saying goes “Getting old ain’t for sissies”, it is not easy managing new challenges as they arrive with age, but there...

Cancer Crisis – The Elephant in the room.

An incredibly sad and frightening scenario is unfolding in the Gauteng public healthcare system with the major impact being on the Cancer services. We...

Beauty, Hair, Nails & Skin

Hair Loss In Women

Hair loss in women is just that- when a women experiences unexpected heavy loss of hair. Generally, 50-100 single hairs are shed per day. Hair shedding...

Simple Self-Care Ideas to Lift your Spirits

Are you feeling low on energy or a little down? Well, a bit of self-care could be just what you need. Self-care is about taking...
Do you have a well balanced Lifestyle?

To absorb more iron from spinach which vitamin rich foods should you eat with your spinach?

Mental Health

Simple Self-Care Ideas to Lift your Spirits

Are you feeling low on energy or a little down? Well, a bit of self-care could be just what you need. Self-care is about taking...

Legacy In Lockdown

Today is pretty much one week into South Africa’s lockdown period. As an introvert myself (surprise everyone who knows me!), I find this time...


A Lean & Mean Omelet that keeps you going

Most eating routines focus on breakfast being a big meal that is key to how your nutrition for the day turns out. A big...

Vitamin B12 Deficiency. Are you at risk?

Suffering from Crohn’s Disease gave me first-hand experience, regarding the effects of vitamin B12 deficiency. As a doctor, I should have appreciated the importance of...

Aging Well

What Are The Most Common Causes Of Cancer?

Despite decades of exhaustive research, a cure for cancer still eludes us, and the number of new cancer cases per year worldwide is expected...

IBS and IBD – Do You Really Have All The Facts?

“It’s probably the roadside kebab that I indulged in at 2 am on Friday”, you tell yourself. “Or maybe the curry that we had...

Pragnancy & Baby

Myth: women forget the pain of childbirth

In an evolutionary sense, memory of pain serves an important purpose. Pain indicates a threat to our safety or our life, and human survival...

Myth: peanuts in pregnancy cause allergies

Anyone else have the feeling something radical has happened with peanut allergy in the past 30 years? I don’t recall knowing anyone allergic to...


IBS and IBD – Do You Really Have All The Facts?

“It’s probably the roadside kebab that I indulged in at 2 am on Friday”, you tell yourself. “Or maybe the curry that we had...

How To Get Medically Boarded for Chronic Fatigue Syndrome

We’ve spoken at length about CFS in our past few articles, and it’s easy to see why sufferers can feel frustrated, ashamed, and stigmatised...


Waste Angels Cleaning the Community

It’s the  early hours of the morning and a loaded trolley of stacked with recycle material...

Teddy Bear Foundation

Working with children & families Our vision is that children will not be abused anymore, but where they...

Little Eden

We believe that no matter how profoundly disabled a person may be, he or she...

Health Angels Foundation

HELP OUR FOUNDATION HELP MANY MORE Health Angels Foundation is governed by an independent Board of Directors. The...

Health Angels: Trees for life

Trees have always fascinated people. They are the biggest living things on our planet and one...