Balance Stress Naturally
Platinum artist, singer and song writer, Nianell will be a featured guest speaker on The Longevity Channel's webinar, 'Balance Stress Naturally' on 8 August...
How to stay strong in times of uncertainty and change
Are you going through a time of uncertainty and change?
Whatever you may be going through, during times of uncertainty and change the overwhelm of...
School phobia, school avoidance and school refusal are terms that describe an anxiety disorder in children who have an irrational, persistent fear of going...
Does sex induce labour?
Sex. It’s what got you into pregnancy, but is it also the pathway to getting you out?
Around a quarter of all Australian pregnancies are...
Helicopter, snowplow or free range – what’s your parenting style?
It used to be said that the difficulty with parenting is that no-one gives you a manual, but you could argue that adage is...
Weight loss
Why and how to warm up
Generally a warm up feels like it eats out of your training time but it is a vital part of your workout. Just like...
13 Push up variations you can do at home
Push ups are quite tough to get into and quite easy to get bored with but if it is all you got to work...
Fitness & Exercise
Natural Fat Burners
To lose weight, a person needs to burn more calories than they take in. Some natural fat burners, however, may help the body burn...
Brain & Mental Benefits from Cardio
Usually when you think about cardio you think about your heart exploding out of your chest, which can be enough to make you queasy...
How To Get Medically Boarded for Chronic Fatigue Syndrome
We’ve spoken at length about CFS in our past few articles, and it’s easy to see why sufferers can feel frustrated, ashamed, and stigmatised...
Change the situation or change your mindset
do you change the situation? How do you change your mindset? Have you ever considered just changing your
mind? Have you ever just removed yourself...
Beauty, Hair, Nails & Skin
Simple Self-Care Ideas to Lift your Spirits
Are you feeling low on energy or a little down? Well, a bit of self-care could be just what you need.
Self-care is about taking...
Morning makeup routine tips
Very few among us feel excited about getting up early every morning to do our makeup. In my experience, the two reasons why...
Mental Health
Life in Balance
Life in Balance. Love but let go. Set boundaries, but let others in. Spend time alone but also with family and friends. Do things...
Bullying – Equipping your children to cope
Dan Pearce, from Single Dad Laughing, made a profound statement, when he said: "People who love themselves, do not hurt other people. The more...
Due to out of mind out of sight mentality, many forget about foods that are not found in their area. Coconut is usually one...
The Scrutiny on “Gluten-Free”
You’ve probably found yourself walking through grocery aisles finding more and more “gluten-free” food products. You may have also noticed that these products don’t...
Aging Well
Brain workouts
The mind/brain is just like any other muscle in the body, it needs care and ongoing use and training. The more you use your...
Make today your goal
When people take on a long term task, specifically when connected to self improvement or health, we tend to be quite hard on ourselves....
Pragnancy & Baby
Does sex induce labour?
Sex. It’s what got you into pregnancy, but is it also the pathway to getting you out?
Around a quarter of all Australian pregnancies are...
Myth: peanuts in pregnancy cause allergies
Anyone else have the feeling something radical has happened with peanut allergy in the past 30 years? I don’t recall knowing anyone allergic to...
Understanding Faulty Immune Responses – Autoimmune Disease Versus CVID (Common-Variable-Immune-Deficiency
Autos, in Greek, encompasses the meaning of “same” or “self” so, aptly, autoimmune disease relates to the unhappy state when one’s own bodily immune...
Why the Debate Around Electromagnetic Hypersensitivity (EHS)?
In a world saturated with unseen toxins, stressors, sleep debt and poor diets, it’s no wonder people are looking for answers to why they...
Little Eden
We believe that no matter how profoundly disabled a person may be, he or she...
Waste Angels Cleaning the Community
It’s the early hours of the morning and a loaded
trolley of stacked with recycle material...
Teddy Bear Foundation
with children & families
Our vision is that children will not be abused anymore, but where
Health Angels: Trees for life
Trees have always fascinated people. They are the biggest living things on our planet and one...
Health Angels Foundation
Health Angels Foundation is governed by an independent Board of Directors.